Indonesia : >> Cheat TP ninja saga ini sudah lumayan lama keluar dan sampai sekarang saya masih bisa menggunakannya, cara menggunakannya sangat mudah dengan menggunakan fidder seperti biasanya, ok langsung saja, mungkin anda hanya akan melihatbahwa cuma ada 4 mission TP per hari dan banyak orang yang mengatakan bahwa Cheat TP ini cuma 40 Per hari namun kemarin sewaktu saya masih memainkan ninja saga, saya bisa membuat banyak TP per harinya, caranya gampang, setelah kalian selesai memainkan misi chet TP tersebut dan mendapatkan TPnya kemudian kalian Reload NS kalian dan mainkan lagi misi chet TP tersebut maka kalian akan mendapatkan TP lagi.
missi TPx ad di special missio
English : Cheat TP Ninja saga, you can get more than 40 TP per day. So easy download this swf
I think you can use fidder, so now login to your Fb finish your cheat TP mission and you will get extra 10 TP per day, and remember you can get more. If you need more TP, after you finish your cheat TP mission adn get extra 10 TP, reload you NS and plasy again with Cheat TP mission, try it again and again and you will get more TP
Thanks for Visit My blog please read another article and cheat :)
missi TPx ad di special missio
English : Cheat TP Ninja saga, you can get more than 40 TP per day. So easy download this swf
I think you can use fidder, so now login to your Fb finish your cheat TP mission and you will get extra 10 TP per day, and remember you can get more. If you need more TP, after you finish your cheat TP mission adn get extra 10 TP, reload you NS and plasy again with Cheat TP mission, try it again and again and you will get more TP
Thanks for Visit My blog please read another article and cheat :)
HOAX..udh di selesain misi TP nya gak muncul lagi.klo mau share yg beneer dong =="
BalasHapusudah di coba reaload dulu belum?
BalasHapusUdah..gak muncul bro.situ posting cheat udh di coba blm?